
The Dean’s 教育学证书 is offered by the two 研究生 Schools of 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 和 administered by the Dean of 研究生 Studies, 程雪梅教授. All graduate 和 post-doctoral students who would like to develop 和 improve their teaching abilities 和 experiences are invited to participate.

The program begins when a student notifies the Dean of 研究生 Studies of their interest in participating. Activities are student-driven, but are completed with faculty support 和 guidance.

当所有要求都得到满足时, participants schedule a meeting with the Dean of 研究生 Studies to review 和 discuss all relevant materials. Successful completion of the Certificate will be indicated on a student’s transcript.


1. 背景/基础知识

参与四 pedagogy workshops sponsored by the Teaching 和 Learning Institute (TLI) through SOWK B676: Making Space for Learning: Pedagogical Planning 和 Facilitation in Higher Education Contexts. These pedagogy workshops afford you the opportunity to systematically explore fundamental pedagogical issues 和 approaches, which include developing inclusive 和 公平的 approaches to teaching 和 learning. 联系 Kelly Gavin Zuckerman, 访问ing Assistant Professor of Education, kzuckerman@adydewey.com, for more information about the pedagogy workshops.

虽然不是必需的, participants are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the following resources:

  • Pedagogy Circles for Diversity, Equity, 和 Inclusion or Pedagogy Circles support cross-constituency dialogue around developing inclusive, 公平的, 和 anti-racist approaches to teaching 和 learning across campus contexts (within 和 beyond classrooms). 联系Alison Cook-Sather, Mary Katharine Woodworth Professor of Education 和 Director of the Teaching 和 Learning Institute, acooksat@adydewey.com for more information about the Pedagogy Circles.

  • 在线教学学院(OTI) for graduate students is a fully online opportunity in which graduate student instructors work together with support from Library 和 信息rmation Technology Services (LITS) on the design of an online course. 联系 edtechservices@adydewey.com 和 jhopkins1@adydewey.com 获取更多关于OTI的信息.

2. 经验与思考

Complete a total of three activities designed to encourage a better underst和ing of your own teaching style 和 areas for growth 和 improvement. Complete at least two activities in Group I 和 choose one or two activities from Group II. Alternative activities may be developed in consultation with the Dean. Additional guidance regarding record keeping will be provided.


拜访三位不同的教员, at least one who is outside of your department, 做观察笔记, 和 meet to discuss your observations with the faculty member. (Alison Cook-Sather acooksat@adydewey.com,可以帮助你安排这些观察.)

  • 如果你是T.A., arrange to have a faculty member observe your class session 和 give feedback on style 和 content. Or, videotape your class 和 critique it with a faculty member.
  • 如果你是T.A. 或者有教学经验, 讨论学生评价, 以及评估过程, 有一个合适的教员. Use your most recent teaching activity as a basis for 这 discussion.
  • 如果你不是T.A., make some form of pedagogical presentation (a workshop, a demonstration, etc.) that can be observed 和 critiqued by a faculty member live on or videotape. (Alison Cook-Sather acooksat@adydewey.com, can work with you to determine the most appropriate form for 这 presentation.)


(select one or two activities to be completed with a faculty mentor)

  • 制定一门课程(选择阅读材料), 设计作业, 编写教学大纲, prepare three lectures with audio-visual or other enhancements). 要了解这项工作,请参见 这个资源 for decolonizing syllabi 和 developing 公平的 和 inclusive courses.
  • 开展非课堂活动. 例如, 设计一个实验室练习, 语言练习部分, 对话部分, 或者一个基于网络的展览. 参考以下资源 for how such activities might be informed by attention to equity 和 inclusion.
  • 写一系列的考试, 问题集, or other homework assignments (with solutions) for a class of your choosing. To inform 这 work, consider participating in 本系列 注重评估的公平性.
  • Be responsible for an ongoing seminar 系列, or develop 和 initiate a new 系列. 这些可以被建模,例如,在 Pedagogy Circles for Diversity, Equity, 和 Inclusion 系列.

3. 投资组合:文档

Create a teaching portfolio to document 和 reflect on your teaching experiences. You must include an artifact representation your completion of each of the requirements for the Dean's 教育学证书. All artifacts except the teaching philosophy 和 the self-assessment must be paired with a critical reflection in which you discuss the significance of the experience the artifact represents 和 the implications for you as a teacher. (N.B. One of the workshops offered through the TLI focuses on portfolio development.)一组可能的条目可能是:

a. 个人教学理念
b. Samples of insights you have gained from observing 和 talking with other faculty
c. 课程评价
d. 你所开发的课程大纲
e. 代表性的任务和评估
f. 非讲座活动的例子
g. 自我评价:反思和投射

Note: Many of these requirements (背景/基础知识, 第二组经验与思考, 和 the Portfolio) can be fulfilled or at least begun if you enroll in Education 301: Curriculum 和 Pedagogy Seminar (offered every fall semester); the assignments for that course can be tailored to allow you to meet all of the above criteria for the Dean’s Certificate. If you complete the course it will also appear on your transcript. 联络Alison Cook-Sather (acooksat@adydewey.com) 如果你对这个选项感兴趣.