Travel 安全 Counsel Travel 提示

安全 & 提示

健康 & 安全提示

学生是否应该相信自己被性侵犯了,或者认为性侵犯已经发生了, they should reach out to their Travel Coordinator for assistance. 学生安全至上, 和 all students are encouraged to report incidents of sexual misconduct. 旅行协调员将立即向学院的第九条协调员报告, as required by federal law 和 College policy, but only to ensure the student is aware of available support 和 资源s. The 第九条 Coordinator will reach out to the student to discuss options 和 College Reporting Procedures for Students will be followed, as applicable.

使用 International Travel 安全注意事项 Worksheet 根据你的具体旅行和目的地情况考虑和计划安全.

有关国际健康和安全的教育和学习资料,请浏览 国外安全第一-教育旅游信息交换中心项目

旅行前, 你必须对你要去旅行的地区进行背景调查, 包括从 美国国务院旅游网站. For further information about the region, you must consult with the individual/office coordinating your travel, 以及与您一起旅行或过去去过该地区的其他学生.

For country specific information on disease prevention, 疫苗的需求, 还有食物/水的小贴士, 参观 Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention

Pack all medications in your carry-on luggage. 您不妨带上:感冒药、过敏药、胃肠药(如.g., Pepto Bismol 和 Immodium), pain medicine (aspirin/ibuprofen). 带备你经常服用的任何处方药的原始处方影印本,以及任何可能被视为受管制药物的药物.

Pay attention to what may be in the food you are eating 和 your environment. Do not assume that all food is safe, 和, 旅行前, research unique foods 和 eating styles of your travel area. If you are unsure if the tap water is safe to drink, 宁可谨慎,也要只使用瓶装水来饮用和刷牙. 

国际航班, 穿舒适的衣服, 多喝水, 避免饮酒,多休息. 如果你感觉不舒服就告诉别人. Work to ensure that you sleep as much, 规律饮食, 和 exercise as often as you do when you are in a healthy situation at home.



  • 如果在一个群体中, 除非得到组长或指定参与者的允许,否则不要离开小组, 谁一定知道你在哪儿.
  • Never joke with Customs officials or police officers.
  • 如果你有节目时间表的话, keep it with you 和 be sure to follow it unless told otherwise by a group leader.
  • Do not leave any carry-on or other bags unattended.
  • Do bring anything you are not willing to have lost, stolen, or damaged.

F-1, J-1,非公民学生

进行研究, including cultural adjustment 资源s, regarding what to expect 和 ways to help you navigate your new surroundings.

  • For tips on how to successfully approach cultural adjustments when going overseas, 重点关注文化以及它如何影响一个人在新环境中理解和发挥作用的能力, 参观 文化怎么了? 资源.
  • 有关如何处理世界各地文化礼仪的描述和指南,请访问 eDiplomat.

所有旅客必须携带可拨打国际电话的手机,或在抵达时购买国内电话/SIM卡. 确定你要去的地方有手机信号覆盖是很重要的, 旅行前, 另外,如果你的手机在到达目的地后无法使用,你要准备好另一部手机或额外的覆盖范围. You must test your phone upon arrival for both text 和 phone call capabilities.

旅游协调员: Remind your students of the steps noted above. 您和您的学生必须在抵达后测试手机的短信和电话功能, 和 you must distribute your phone number to all members of your group.

建议您携带一张自动取款机卡和带有密码的信用卡(VISA/MasterCard),以便在旅行期间兑换当地货币. 你必须通知你的银行和信用卡公司你的旅行日期和目的地国家. Since exchanging money at airports can be costly, 你可能想在旅行前研究一下更划算的获取当地货币的方法,这样你就可以在使用自动取款机之前有现金可用. Consider using a money pouch/belt to better protect against pickpockets.

旅游协调员: You must advise your students of these considerations as well.

协调您旅行的办公室/个人将提供一份针对您旅行的行李清单. 除了, look up weather conditions/think about what will be necessary for your travel, including any research or other activities in which you may be participating, 在包装之前.

旅游协调员: Create a packing list specific to this trip to distribute to the students. 除了, 指导学生查找天气情况/思考旅行所需的物品, including any research or other activities in which you may be participating, 在包装之前.


Traveling with a College Computer

To protect against data breaches 和 intrusion, data encryption is/will be implemented on all College computers. Once your computer is encrypted, 当涉及到国际旅行时,还有一些额外的考虑因素,因为一些国家有与加密计算机相关的旅行限制(中国和俄罗斯), 等). If you hope to travel internationally with a College device, 请在旅行日期前与服务台联系,以便进行LITS咨询. LITS will work with you on finding a solution that will accommodate your needs, meet the requirements of the country, 和 appropriately protect the College's (和 your personal) data.

More information can be found on 问雅典娜

学院有一个补充保险政策,为学生提供国际旅行意外保险, 为与学院工作有关或由学院赞助的目的而旅行的教职员工. 该保险包括商务旅行期间发生的紧急医疗费用,但可扣除100美元. The policy also covers 100% of the cost of medical emergency evacuation. 紧急医疗或旅行安排必须由保险公司协调,以便支付服务和费用. 您必须提前研究并与学生沟通预先批准的医疗设施为您的旅行地点.  该保单不包括常规医疗护理,并且超出了您的基本医疗保险单所提供的任何保险范围. The travel insurance policy does not cover personal travel of the student, 教员或职员, even if it is added on to the official trip. 然而, 在大学相关旅行期间与布林莫尔教职员工一起旅行的家庭成员可以参加这项政策.


  • Emergency services: assistance with communications problems; travel arrangements; legal assistance; location of lost items; interpretation/translation
  • Referrals to a hospital or doctor; medical monitoring 和 referrals; dispatch of specialist
  • Emergency medical payments; medical 和 hospital expense guarantee
  • 紧急医疗运输、撤离或有护送或家属陪同的遣返
  • 安全疏散

When renting a car outside the U.S., its territories, Puerto Rico or Canada, 责任保险和物理损害保险都必须在当地国家或司法管辖区购买. Whether or not the purchase of car rental insurance is required by local law, 汽车租赁保险应该购买国内或国际租赁. The minimum limits to be purchased, equivalent in U.S. 美元, 是:10美元,000人/ 20美元,000 each accident for Bodily 受伤 Liability, 和10美元,000 each accident for 财产损失 Liability. 学院的国际汽车保险只为涉及员工的汽车责任索赔提供超过当地保险范围的保险, volunteer or student while traveling abroad. The coverage applies only when the local coverage is exhausted.

The College also has insurance that covers Bryn Mawr employees, 志愿者, 以及学生在国外工作期间的人身伤害或学校在国外财产损失的赔偿. If you have an experience that might involve an insurance claim, please contact Sakinah Rahman as soon as possible.

关键事件 Response Process

A 关键事件 is an event that necessitates emergency medical care, challenges the travel itinerary, or poses a threat of harm to an individual or the group traveling.

Any individual experiencing or learning of a 关键事件 在旅行期间,应立即致电学院的校园安全部门 1-610-526-7911 和 convey the critical nature of the call. 校园安全将收集尽可能多的信息,因为呼叫者有可用的时间,并将通知适当的学院管理员(s)谁将协调响应.