
研究生研究研讨会(GRS)是一个两周一次的会议,供研究生在舒适的环境中与同龄人分享数学. The seminar meets on Tuesdays (or as a backup, on Fridays) in Park 264. Snacks and refreshments are available at 3:45pm, and the seminar begins at 4pm.

GRS的目标是为研究生提供一个练习演讲的支持性空间. 因为我们关注的是质量, 没有必读的题目, and the speaker determines the length of the talk. Students are encouraged to use this space to:

  • present research, expository work, or coursework
  • share material from workshops/conferences attended
  • 练习即将到来的演讲
  • 获得同行的反馈

联系主办方 如果你想了解更多信息.


9月21日,艾萨克·桑德伯格: "A 3.五维猜想”
10月5日,林赛·德弗: "Distribution of holonomy of prime geodesics"
10月19日,AJ Vargas: R^{2n}中的椭球体-第一部分
11月5日,Ziva Myer
11月16日,AJ Vargas: R^{2n}中的椭球体-第二部分


11月13日,艾尔莎·麦格尼斯: "An overview of elliptic curves with complex multiplication"

10月9日,AJ Vargas: "Symplectic 几何 applied to C^\infty inscription problems"

9月25日,Lindsay Dever:“环境素测地线定理”




5月1日,Lindsay Dever: "Equidistribution of holonomy in 双曲型三维流形"

The study of 双曲型三维流形 draws deep connections between number theory, 几何, 拓扑结构, 量子力学. 双曲3流形的闭测地线是一个重要的不变量,它的长度和完整度都是参数化的. Sarnak和Wakayama在1999年证明了完整性在整个圆中是均匀分布的. 在这次演讲中, 我将提出新的结果,包括长度和完整性的精细化计数,这意味着在收缩区间内的均匀分布. This will be illustrated with a numerical example.

4月10日,丹尼尔·怀特: "Intro to Deep Learning: Neural Nets and Backpropagation"

Inspired by the behavior of neurons in our own brains, 神经网络在上个世纪中期被提出,作为一种模拟人类决策过程的方法. 在过去的几十年里,这种方法已经成功地用于解决从翻译到图像识别的各种问题. 近年来, Google’s DeepMind team made waves in the AI research community with their Alpha series, 在2017年的AlphaZero中达到高潮. 这个程序采用了一个可训练的神经网络,可以在任何完全信息的双人游戏中取得超人的表现, 比如国际象棋或围棋, in a matter of hours without any initial training data. DeepMind一直在将他们的研究成果应用于疾病检测和蛋白质折叠等重要科学问题.

在这次演讲中, we’ll develop the basic architecture of a neural network, which can be written in only tens of lines of code. 困难, 我们将讨论, lies in the problem of training the network to complete a specific task. 取决于问题域和约束,例如训练数据的可用性和计算时间, algorithms can sometimes be used to coax the network into a functional state. 特别是, we will investigate the mathematics behind backpropagation, 所谓的主力算法, which may be used when adequate training data is available.

Coding experience and advanced mathematics are not required for this talk; the main tools necessary are a few fundamental facts from multivariable calculus and linear algebra. Intuition and hand-waving are encouraged.

3月6日,AJ Vargas: "An Introduction to Matrix Groups"

众所周知,欧几里得空间上的线性算子环等价于实数上的n × n矩阵环. 因此,一组 可逆的 欧几里得空间上的线性算子可以被赋予光滑流形的结构(更具体地说, 具有李群的结构), 所以我们可以用代数定理和光滑拓扑作为工具来理解这些特殊而有趣的群. 在这次演讲中, 研究了这些线性自同构群及其各种子群所具有的代数/拓扑性质.

2月14日,艾尔莎·麦格尼斯: "Counting points on curves the Frobenius way"


How many primes are congruent to 1 modulo 4 versus 3 modulo 4? Dirichlet proved in 1837 that there are infinitely many primes in each congruence class; in fact, the primes are equidistributed between these two classes. However, Chebyshev observed in 1853 that there are “more” primes congruent to 3 modulo 4. Even though the number of primes in each class is roughly the same, 3 modulo 4 is almost always “winning the race”. Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypotheses and Grand Simplicity Hypothesis, Rubenstein and Sarnak showed in 1994 that this bias exists. 在这次演讲中, 我将讨论均匀分布和偏倚之间的区别,并概述鲁宾斯坦和萨尔纳克的结果.


12月12日,丹尼尔·怀特共振者:如何 L函数振动”

黎曼ζ函数可以表示为绝对收敛半平面上的狄利克雷级数, 结果就是, exhibits strong oscillatory behavior there. This behavior continues into the critical strip via the functional equation, 复平面的面积,其中 L-功能享受高强度的学习. 十年前, Soundararajan developed the resonator method, 哪一个利用这些振荡来检测沿临界线的较大的ζ函数值. 其核心是, 这个想法很简单, and is essentially the same phenomenon that collapsed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940. We will discuss his approach and highlight concepts over technical details.

12月5日,AJ Vargas: "A Symplectic Perspective on the Inscribed Rectangle Problem"

在这次演讲中,我们将分析, from a somewhat modern point of view, 对Toeplitz旧猜想的推广,该猜想提出平面上任何合理的闭合曲线, there corresponds a square each of whose vertices belong to the given curve. 特别是, 我们将首先概述围绕这个问题的一些经典的和最近的结果, 然后演示如何将问题简化为8维欧几里德空间的某些拉格朗日子流形是否相交的问题, proposing finally some possibly new channels for the pursuit of a solution.

11月21日,林赛·德弗: "Growth of Torsion in Homology Groups"

Every homology group decomposes into a free abelian group and a torsion subgroup. 对于双曲型3流形,计算结果表明,扭转部分实际上是非常大的. In addition, the torsion subgroup has deep and interesting connections to number theory. 在这次演讲中, I’ll discuss the connection between number theory and 拓扑结构 via Kleinian groups, and I’ll present results of Bergeron and Venkatesh, who proved that for certain arithmetic subgroups, 扭转子群的大小随相应流形的体积呈指数增长.


Khovanov homology associates a bi-graded module to any link in the 3-sphere. 在这次演讲中, 我们用(1+1)维拓扑量子场论(TQFT)描述了Khovanov对该模块的构造。. 一路走来, 我们讨论了tqft的基本原理和其完备性的充分条件. 这导致了在相同设置中使用的不同tqft的最后讨论,以产生其他同源理论(例如.g. Lee Homology or Bar-Natan's equivalent definition of Khovanov homology using cobordisms).

10月24日,林赛·德弗: "Weyl's Law: From Isometries to Eigenvalues"

复数的, square-integrable functions on compact, 双曲3-流形唯一地分解成称为自同构形式的特殊函数. 这些特殊函数是拉普拉斯算子的特征函数,它们在等距的离散群下是不变的. 在一般情况下, it is a hard problem to determine the eigenvalues explicitly, but we do know how many eigenvalues to expect asymptotically. The asymptotic formula for the number of eigenvalues is known as Weyl's law. The proof of Weyl's law involves the Selberg trace formula, which connects these eigenvalues to geometric information about the manifold. 在这个说明性的演讲中, I will introduce 双曲型三维流形, 定义自同构形式, and give a proof of Weyl's law for compact, 双曲型三维流形.


A homomorphism from a group to the unit circle is known as a character. 数论学家经常考虑Q的子群及其相关字符来提取整数的算术信息. 这些群上常见的特征包括指数函数和狄利克雷特征. 事实证明,Q上的所有连续*字符都可以由这些字符构建——这是Q唯一嵌入C的一个方向结果. 我们很自然地要问,与Q的有限扩展相关的字符是否以同样的方式给出了关于相应整数环的信息. 答案是响亮的“是的”!,更重要的是,当我们研究这些扩展时,我们获得了一个全新的角色(赫克).

*With respect to some fancy 拓扑结构 with archimedean and p-adic ingredients.

9月19日,AJ Vargas:“平面配置”

A linear symplectic form on a Euclidean space is a non-degenerate, alternating tensor of rank 2 (equivalently an 可逆的, 斜对称的矩阵). It turns out that every even dimensional Euclidean space admits a linear symplectic form, and the reason is essentially because one can perform rotations by 90 degrees in a plane. 在这次演讲中, we examine a few key examples of linear symplectic forms and their features, 一直把偶数维欧几里得空间的典型元素想象成有限序列(1).e. 配置平面上的点.


Mazur Cork是一个可收缩的4流形,它的历史引导人们通过低维拓扑中许多令人愉快的话题:庞卡罗猜想, 环柄体, 和柯比微积分(举几个例子). 在这次演讲中, 我们对这些问题进行了讨论,并证明了马祖尔软木是一个可收缩的四流形,它与四球有平滑的区别.




