

University of Pennsylvania, May 28-August 2, 2024

的 University of Pennsylvania offers a 10-week mentored summer research experience in clinical and translational science with the potential for extended year-round research opportunities.
了解更多并申请我们的 网站 2024年2月2日.

研究 Technician Job: Fralin Biomedical 研究 Institute at Virginia Tech

博士的实验室. Pearl Chiu and Brooks Casas at the Fralin Biomedical 研究 Institute, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, 洛亚诺克, VA, are currently seeking a new full-time research technician.

Projects in the labs are highly interdisciplinary and combine methods from experimental and clinical psychology, 神经科学, and behavioral economics with functional neuroimaging and electrochemistry to investigate decision-making in healthy and clinical populations. 的 research technician will be responsible for in-vitro data collection to inform in-vivo models of human neurochemistry. This is an excellent opportunity for those interested in 研究生 school in 生物医学或神经科学.

请浏览 弗拉林研究所的网站 for more information about the labs, and 在弗吉尼亚理工大学网站上申请 有关该职位的详细描述.

Ph.D. Application Assistance Program, 2023-2024

的 Committee on Immunology at the University of Chicago welcomes all prospective students planning to pursue a Ph.D. in Immunology or broadly in the Biomedical Sciences to apply to our Application Assistance Program for the 2023-2024 Ph.D. 应用周期. 的 goal of our program is to de-mystify the Ph.D. application process and work towards leveling the information and support gap across applicants to biomedical/immunology Ph.D. 项目. All who apply will have access to two zoom panels hosted by current students as well as drop-in zoom office hours throughout October and November to support you during your application process. 另外, 基于学生导师的可用性, a limited number of applicants will be paired 1-on-1 with current students to give support and feedback on application materials. 


申请可在此找到: http://forms.gle / D6iAMqS7eWuYvokW6


MDI Biological Laboratory is excited to announce that our 应用门户 是开放的 Summer Under研究生 研究 Fellowship (SURF) program!  We value your partnership with us in identifying talented students to become part of our research community, and we hope you’ll reach out to them to share this information and encourage them to apply.  Applications are due January 26, 2024, at 11:59 PM


100多年来, MDI Biological Laboratory has been a beacon for talented scientists at all stages, a place for major biomedical discovery and innovation.  While this original mission of discovery using comparative animal models remains the same, the Lab is growing in extraordinary ways:   

  • We’ve become a world leader in tissue repair, regeneration, and aging. 

  • We will soon launch the opening of our new MDI Bioscience Center for the discovery of new drug compounds. 

  • We’ve built cutting-edge bioinformatics and imaging core centers (we’re currently building an advanced laser-driven light-sheet microscope, 这是美国仅有的四家此类医院之一!). 

  • 我们是一个充满活力的社区, 随着科学教师队伍的壮大, 博士后研究人员, 研究生, 研究助理, and importantly  – in the summer – our team of Under研究生 研究 Fellows!    


尽管我们在成长, 我们仍然是一个紧密联系的社区, committed to fostering a love of 科学研究 among our summer 本科 group.  Our mentors are experienced in training inquisitive young minds to approach scientific inquiry with curiosity, with exceptional laboratory and data skills, and with professional confidence in communicating their findings.  Many of our summer students have gone on to careers in medicine, 科学研究, 和行业, citing this experience as a major source of inspiration for their career choices. 


的 Education Team at the MDI Biological Laboratory is here to assist you with any questions you or your students have about our application process and about the summer experience; in addition, 你可以在我们的网站上找到信息 REU暑期奖学金常见问题页面. 


暑期本科生研究项目 (SURP)

Fred Hutchinson癌症中心 (Fred Hutch) hosts a summer internship that is designed to provide biomedical research experience and mentorship for under研究生 of rising senior status.

SURP是密集的, 9-week internship designed to provide research experience and mentorship for rising-senior under研究生 who are interested in biomedical research. Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, students will:

  1. Complete an independent research project;
  2. 参加每周的研究研讨会;
  3. Participate in professional development workshops designed to facilitate the preparation of competitive applications for 研究生/medical school; and
  4. Present their findings at a competitive poster session.

程序将从 6月17日星期一8月16日星期五, 2024. An 在线申请 for the 2024 SURP is now available on the SURP网站.

的 application deadline is midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) on 星期五, 2024年1月5日. Letters of recommendation for up to two references are due by midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) on 星期五, 2024年1月12日. 



请参阅链接 目录 of biomedical research internships offered nationwide for high school, 本科, 学士学位阶段后的, 研究生, 还有医学院的一年级学生.