
The semiannual Bryn Mawr Math 新闻letter includes recent departmental news and photographs.

Congratulations to Our 2021 研究生s!

Click here to read the students' names.

数学的Erica J. 格雷厄姆 Gives Anti-Racism Talk at National Meeting


Assistant 数学教授 Erica J. 格雷厄姆 '04 gave a lecture titled "Anti-racism in mathematics: Who, 什么, 当, 在哪里, 为什么, and how" at the 2021 Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of America. 点击这里阅读更多.

Heeding Recommendation from Bi-Co Group, Haverford Township Budgets $1 Million for Solar Projects


数学教授 维克多Donnay and a group of Bi-Co students along with several Haverford Township residents presented to the township's Board of Commissioners. Pictured above: Haverford Township Community Recreation and Environmental Center. 点击这里阅读更多.

Trang Duong '22 研究es COVID-19 in Vietnam

Trang Duong

Since the fall, math major/data science minor Trang Duong '22 has worked as a researcher with Oxford University’s Clinical 研究 Unit (OUCRU), which is modeling COVID-19 cases and transmission in her home country of Vietnam. 点击这里阅读更多.

奥索拉·卡波维拉-塞尔'15 Earns NSF Post-Doc Fellowship

Orsola Capovilla Searle

奥索拉·卡波维拉-塞尔'15, who double majored in math and physics and was a Mellon Mays Fellow at Bryn Mawr, has received a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellowship to work with 罗杰·卡萨尔斯 在你.C. 戴维斯. Pictured here are 奥索拉·卡波维拉-塞尔'15 with her mother, Catherine Searle '84. 点击这里了解更多.

Atiqua Hashem '92 Joins the Conrad N. 希尔顿基金会


康拉德N. 希尔顿基金会 recently announced the hire of math/economics double major Atiqua Hashem '92 as vice president, 总法律顾问, 公司秘书. Hashem will serve as an officer of the 希尔顿基金会 and join its executive leadership team. 点击这里阅读更多.

Alumna Spotlight: 温妮掩藏 '12


温妮掩藏 '12 was a math major and Spanish minor at Bryn Mawr and is now a principal technical consultant at HubSpot的. 点击这里阅读更多.


  • 数学 graduate student Elsa Magness recently defended her M.A. 论文, titled “An Exposition of the Sato-Tate Conjecture for Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication.” Her graduate advisor was John Bergdall.
  • 数学 graduate student Isaac Sundberg organized an event this spring consisting of a showing of the film “Race to the Future? Reimagining the Default Settings of Technology and Society” on the topic of algorithmic fairness. The film is a talk by Ruha Benjamin, Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, and explores a range of discriminatory designs that encode inequity. The film was followed by a panel discussion.
  • The Distressing Math Collective (DMC), founded by Professor Emeritus Helen Grundman, took on a different format in 2020-2021 due to the pandemic. In the 2020-2021 academic year, DMC took place via Zoom. Invited alumnae and other outside speakers gave virtual DMC talks, and Dr. Grundman (now living in Providence, R.I.) and other alumnae (such as former DMC Coordinator Jill Li '18 in New Jersey) regularly attended these talks. Alumnae speakers included Orsola Capovilla-Searle '15; Dr. Emelie Curl '14; Hezel Gadzikwa '18; Anna Gordon, A.B./M.A. '07; Freda Li, A.B./M.A. '15; and Mary Miller '14. Student coordinators for DMC this past academic year were Ellen Lu '21 and Rita Sabri '22, while the faculty coordinator was Professor Leslie Cheng.
  • 数学 major Aparajita (Opu) Bhattacharyya ’12 works on product strategy and monetization at Microsoft Azure. She has recently started a new web series titled “Hustle Fuel”. She describes the web series as follows: "This series looks at the world of work and entrepreneurship—all male-dominated even now—from a woman’s lens. Being the 'only' in a sea of 'others' deprives women of vital networks and role models, 是什么导致了性别差异. The series aims to amplify different portraits of 什么 success can look like. It aims to encapsulate the can-do mindset, wisdom and life hacks from those who have successfully trod the path before—often through career paths that have not been linear—to get you to 在哪里 you want to be. Plus, it provides clues on how to build allies—both men and women—that you need on the journey."



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