
What is the 化学导师计划?

The 化学导师计划 offers 学生s a chance to be mentored by an upperclassmen 化学/Biochemistry 和 Molecular Biology (BCMB) major. 

This is an especially valuable opportunity for general chemistry 学生s 和 anyone else who is interested, including (but not limited to) prospective Chem/Bio/BCMB majors, non-first year general chemistry 学生s, 医学预科学生.

The goal of this program is to create a more diverse, 包容, supportive Chem/BCMB program for all 学生s. 

导师提供建议, 指导, support relating to class scheduling, 阀杆技巧, 在布林茅尔航行, more from their personal experience. It is very beneficial to have a non-faculty resource to answer your STEM 和 Bryn 三部 related questions!

Information for Prospective Mentorship Participants 


Information for Prospective Mentorship Participants

  • Who are mentors/how can I become a mentor?

Any junior 和 senior 化学 和 BCMB majors are welcome to participate as 化学 Mentors! If you are interested in joining or have any questions about the program, please email the 化学 Mentorship Co-Coordinators, 达纳·考德威尔(dcaldwell@adydewey.com)及李丽娟(ryli@adydewey.com).

Mentors are not the same as peer tutors 和 are not responsible for course content (although, it is possible to be both a mentor 和 a peer tutor)! Information about becoming or requesting a peer tutor can be found 在这里

  • 我如何以学员的身份参与?

Any first-year general chemistry 学生, anyone considering a Chem/BCMB/Bio major, or any 学生 interested in becoming more involved in the STEM departments is welcome to participate as a 化学 Mentee! Any 学生 who is not a first year 和/or enrolled in general chemistry currently 和 is interested in participating in the program is also welcome. While the program is directed towards first-years, we encourage 和 welcome any interested sophomores to participate! 

Mentees are not responsible for preparing anything for meetings with their mentors. Simply show up 和 engage with your mentor! Mentees are encouraged to ask questions 和 share their interests, so meetings can be tailored to their goals.

If you are interested in joining or have any questions about the program, please email the 化学 Mentorship Co-Coordinators, 达纳·考德威尔(dcaldwell@adydewey.com)及李丽娟(ryli@adydewey.com). 

  • 我能从我的导师那里得到什么? 

Mentors are expected to meet with their 学员 at least once a month. Mentors have access to a list of meeting topic suggestions that they can use for meetings, but 学员 are strongly encouraged to ask questions or discuss topics that are interesting to them. T在这里 is no formal requirement of what needs to be discussed in meetings or how long they should be, but t在这里 should be regular contact between mentors 和 学员 throughout the semester. 

Mentors are not the same as peer tutors 和 are not responsible for course content. Information about becoming or requesting a peer tutor can be found 在这里

  • What are other resources to learn about a 化学 和 BCMB major?

To learn more, feel free to access our resources: 化学指导计划基础, 化学导师计划常见问题解答, 资源指南, 生物化学专业网页化学系常见问题网页. 教师 major advisors are also excellent resources!


  • 期望及指引

Mentors are expected to initiate contact with their assigned 学员 和 meet with them (individually or as a group) at least once a month. T在这里 will be one mentor training meeting at the beginning of each semester that all mentors should attend, in addition to two “checkpoints” throughout the semester. Checkpoints offer mentors the opportunity to update the Co-Coordinators on their progress 和 give feedback 和 suggestions to improve the program throughout the semester. 

Mentors are not the same as peer tutors 和 are not responsible for course content (although, it is possible to be both a mentor 和 a peer tutor)! Information about becoming or requesting a peer tutor can be found 在这里

If mentors need 指导 or advice, please reach out to the Co-Coordinators Rebecca (ryli@adydewey.com)和达纳(dcaldwell@adydewey.com). 

  • 范围

Mentors should share their experience as a Chem/BCMB 梅杰和布林 三部 学生. 它们也应该有帮助 学员 access other available resources, like the 资源指南, major reps, or other 学生s with relevant experience. Most importantly, mentors should help their 学员 feel comfortable 和 welcome in the chemistry department! 

Mentors are not the same as peer tutors 和 are not responsible for course content (although, it is possible to be both a mentor 和 a peer tutor)! Information about becoming or requesting a peer tutor can be found 在这里

导师在这里提供支持 学员, if something (professional or personal) is beyond their capabilities, 这是他们支持自己的最好方式 学员 is to make sure they access the right resources. 导师可以指导 学员 to other BMC departments/ resources such as the 健康中心, 院长办公室, 职业及公民参与办公室


The 2021-22 化学 Mentor Program Co-Coordinators are 李丽贝卡(ryli@adydewey.com)和达纳·考德威尔(dcaldwell@adydewey.com). Any prospective or current participants are encouraged to reach out to either of them with questions, 评论, 或询问. 

The 化学 Mentor Program weekly office hours are held every Thursday evening, 6-7 p.m.,通过Zoom. All current participants should have received the Zoom meeting link in their email, any prospective 学生s are encouraged to reach out to Rebecca or Dana to get the link.






101 N. 梅里恩大道