程序 Requirements and Opportunities

每年出版, the Course 目录 sets out the 需求 of the academic programs--the majors, 未成年人, 和浓度. Each Bryn Mawr student must declare a major before the end of the sophomore year. Students may also declare a minor or a concentration, but neither is required for the A.B. 学位. Students must comply with the 需求 published in the Course 目录 at the time when they declare the major, 辅修和/或专业.

The Course 目录 also sets out the College 需求. Students must comply with the College 需求 published at the time they enter 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.

更多信息,请访问 目录主页 查看当前内容. To view 目录s from previous academic years, visit the 目录档案页.

化学 程序 Requirements and Opportunities

The 化学 major is offered with several different options:

  • American Chemical Society Certified A.B.我被推荐读研
  • 化学专业,A.B. 只有
  • 化学小
  • 化学 major with concentration in biochemistry
  • 化学 major with concentration in geochemistry

所有的学位选择, merit level work is expected in every chemistry, 数学, 生物学, 地质, 还有物理课程.


ACS认证A.B. 主要的需求

A student may qualify for a major in chemistry by completing a total of 15 units in chemistry with the distribution:

  • 化学103、104
  • 化学211/216,212/217
  • 化学221、222
  • 化学231
  • 化学242
  • 化学251,252
  • 化学398,399
  • 另外两个化学3xx

Other required courses: Math 201(multivariable calculus) is a prerequisite for Chem 221 & 化学222.

Students majoring in 化学 fulfill the disciplinary writing requirement by satisfactorily completing Chem 251 and 252, which are writing attentive courses.

主要的,.B. 只有

A non-ACS certified major requires all of the above coursework except 化学398,399.

Timetables for Meeting 主要的需求

Students may follow various schedules to meet their major 需求.  然而,一个相当典型的例子是:

  • freshman year:  Chem 103 and 104, Math 101 and 102
  • sophomore year:  Chem 211/216, 212/217, Math 201
  • junior year:  化学221、222, 231, 242, 251, 252
  • 大四:两门或更多化学3xx


  • Math 201 must be completed before taking Chem 221 or 化学222.  
  • Chem 221/222 can be taken concurrently with Chem 211/212.

Students who wish to deviate from the usual schedule (including those who want to complete the major in 3 years) should consult with the major adviser as early as possible to devise an alternative plan.


The 需求 for departmental honors are:

  • 完成一个主要计划
  • 化学平均成绩保持在3分.7分或以上. A maximum of 2 credits of 403 will be factored into the chemistry GPA
  • Complete Chem 398 and 399 with a grade of 3.每学期3个以上.
  • Participate in research oral/poster presentations.
  • Write an acceptable 论文, and meet all department deadlines for submission of the 论文.
  • Complete an additional unit of 化学3 xx (for a total of three 300-level chemistry units). With department approval, one unit of 300-level work in certain fields may be substituted.

A student may qualify for a minor in chemistry by completing a total of 8 units in chemistry with the distribution:

  • 化学103、104
  • 化学211/216,212/217
  • 化学221*或222*
  • 化学231或242**
  • 化学251或252


**Biol 375 may be substituted for 化学242

Major with Concentration in Biochemistry

  • 化学103、104
  • 化学211/216,212/217
  • 化学242 *
  • Chem 221**, 222**, or 231 (choose 2 of 3)
  • 化学251,252
  • 化学345或377
  • 化学3 xx
  • 杂志201年
  • 杂志376 * * *

*Biol 375 may be substituted for 化学242


***化学242 satisfies the pre-requisite for this course.

Major with Concentration in Geochemistry

  • 化学103、104
  • 化学211/216,212/217
  • Chem 221*, 222*, 231 or 242** (choose 3 of 4)
  • 化学251,252
  • 化学332
  • 化学3 xx
  • 101年地质
  • 202年地质
  • Geol 302, 305, 350 (choose 2 of 3; Geol 350 requires Geology major adviser approval)


**Bio 375 may be substituted for 化学242

The 化学 major can also be combined with any of the 未成年人 offered in the College. 特别是, the 未成年人 in Environmental Studies, Education and Computational Science offer attractive combinations with a 化学 major for future career paths that require competency in those allied fields. Detailed information about these 未成年人 can be found in the appropriate section of the catalog. Students may double major in 化学 and Biology, but are not permitted to double major in Biology and BCMB (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology) or 化学 and BCMB.

A.B./M.A. 程序

  • 化学专业A.B. 需求
  • 四个单位的5xx*
  • 两个单位7xx
  • M.A. 论文
  • 期末笔试


3-2 程序 in Engineering and Applied Science

The 3-2 程序 in Engineering and Applied Science is offered in cooperation with the California Institute of Technology and awards both an A.B. 在布林莫尔和一个B.S. 在加州理工学院.  化学 students considering this program should contact 化学 Senior Lecturer Lisa Watkins.

4+1 程序 in Engineering at UPenn

The University of Pennsylvania 4+1 engineering program allows students to earn an A.B. 在布林莫尔和M.S. 工程学硕士.S.E)在宾夕法尼亚大学.  Students apply between the beginning of the sophomore year and end of the junior year. 化学 students considering this program should contact 化学 Senior Lecturer Lisa Watkins. See also the description of the 4+1 程序 in Engineering at UPenn.





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