

On this one-of-a-kind 14-day small group journey, 你睁开眼睛, 和心脏, 去一个真正的异国他乡, 古老的文化, and genuinely hospitable people. 

Dates: October 22- November 4, 2023

On this one-of-a-kind 14-day small group journey, 你睁开眼睛, 和心脏, 去一个真正的异国他乡, 古老的文化, and genuinely hospitable people. 从游览摩洛哥首都,海滨拉巴特开始,在私人家中享用午餐. 参观帝国梅克内斯和沃勒比利斯的罗马遗址,这是联合国教科文组织五个特色景点中的两个. Next is exploration of Fez with its fascinating 麦地那在家庭经营的餐厅吃晚餐 利雅得.  After crossing the Middle Atlas mountains, 到达埃尔福德,体验一个旅游亮点:沿着撒哈拉沙漠令人惊叹的沙丘骑骆驼日落. 在去瓦尔扎扎特的路上, 邂逅壮观, 雪顶高地图集, including dramatic Todra Gorge. Traverse the fabled “Route of a Thousand 旧城区” and visit scenic Ait ben-Haddou village. In alluring Marrakech, tour the 麦地那 and the city’s heart, Djemaa el Fna Square. The final destination is storied Casablanca, where a highlight is touring the magnificent Hassan II Mosque. 



  • Boston, New York, Washington DC: $5,879
  • 亚特兰大,芝加哥:6079美元
  • 巴尔的摩、夏洛特、底特律、洛杉矶、迈阿密、费城:6179美元
  • 辛辛那提, 克利夫兰, 达拉斯, 丹佛, 休斯顿, 明尼阿波里斯市, 奥兰多, 凤凰城, 波特兰(或), 旧金山, 西雅图, 坦帕:6美元,279
  • Land Only (transfers not included): $4,995

Please call if your city is not listed. 价格为双人房,含航空税, 附加费, 费用是784美元, which are subject to change until final payment is made.

Single travelers please add $1,695. 您的500美元押金将在出发前95天全额退还. 以上所有旅游价格(不包括航空税,附加费和其他费用)都是有保证的.

跨大西洋往返航班的航空公司升级:商务舱- 3美元,795 per person; Premium Economy- $1,195美元/人(升级需视情况而定,价格可能会有变动).)

预订和信息,请致电奥德赛无限公司. 免费电话:888-370-6765周一至周五,上午9:00至下午7:00,东部时间



  • Round-trip airfare from select cities
  • 12晚的豪华酒店,一流酒店,和一流酒店住宿
  • 31 meals (12 breakfasts, 8 lunches, 11 dinners)
  • Extensive sightseeing and entrance fees
  • Private motor coach transportation
  • Gratuities for local guides/dining room servers/porters/drivers
  • Services of an Odysseys Unlimited Tour Director.


Begin travel to Casablanca, Morocco

Upon arrival this afternoon in Casablanca, the commercial center of Morocco, 我们乘坐长途汽车前往拉巴特,酒店位于著名的哈桑塔附近. 今晚在饭店吃饭前,我们有时间放松一下,恢复一下精神.

One of Morocco’s four ancient capitals, 或者皇城, Rabat is again the country’s capital, at once historic and contemporary, as we discover on today’s tour. We visit the necropolis of Chellah, 建在古罗马废墟上, and have lunch in a private home; then admire the stunning architecture of the Mausoleum of Mohamed V. On tap this afternoon: the 12th-century Kasbah of the Oudaias, the peaceful Andalusian Gardens, 和拉巴特的麦地那, 联合国教科文组织遗址. 今晚,我们在拉巴特老城区著名的Dinarjat享用了传统摩洛哥美食的欢迎晚宴. 

This morning we depart Rabat for Fez, stopping along the way in Meknes, 摩洛哥最年轻的皇城(联合国教科文组织世界遗产). 在当地一家餐馆吃午饭前,我们参观了曼苏尔门(Bab el Mansour)和帝国马厩遗址. 然后我们继续前往联合国教科文组织遗址volbilis的古罗马遗址, known for its intricate and colorful mosaics. 傍晚时分,我们到达非斯,下榻的酒店俯瞰着麦地那. 

We begin today with a walk through the 麦地那 and a visit to the Al-Attarine Madrasa, 谁的亮点是一个展示错综复杂的细节瓷砖和雕刻装饰的小庭院. 然后 we embark on a walking tour of the 麦地那 focusing on the artisans' quarters, the 14th-century Koranic schools, 还有阿尔·卡拉维因, the medieval theological university. 午饭后我们自己去, we visit the Borj Nord Arms Museum, 这是一座建于1582年的正宗萨阿迪城堡,也是摩洛哥仅有的受欧洲影响的城堡之一. After exploring the Moroccan armaments here, 今天下午我们可以自由探索或放松. Tonight, we enjoy dinner at an intimate family-run 利雅得 在非斯.

Today we explore Morocco’s oldest imperial city, considered the “Athens of Africa” for its wealth of cultural, 教育, 还有宗教机构. We begin with a comfortable walk through the Fez 麦地那, where we see some hidden treasures, 包括蓝门, the most picturesque of the Old City’s historic gates; the medieval school of Bouanania; the 12th-century home of Jewish scholar Maimonides; and the authentic food market. 我们还参观了传统区,在那里我们观看了工匠制作广受好评的非斯陶器和陶瓷. After lunch together in the 麦地那, 我们参观了老Mellah(犹太区)及其17世纪的犹太教堂和皇家大门. 

今天内陆旅行, 我们穿过非斯以外的肥沃平原,继续穿过阿特拉斯中部山脉. We stop in the small town of Midelt for lunch. 继续, 我们穿过齐兹河, 经过一排排拔地而起的棕榈树和戒备森严的村庄,最后抵达我们在埃尔福德的卡斯巴风格酒店. Dinner tonight is at our hotel. 

This morning we visit the city of Rissani, 18世纪的沙皇, a virtually impenetrable warren of alleys. 今天下午,我们在撒哈拉沙漠边缘的Merzouga开始了一场日落之旅,前往美丽的沙丘. 在无边的寂静中,我们一边骑着骆驼,一边看着太阳从沙漠中落下. 今晚回旅馆之前,我们将在这片沙漠中共进晚餐. 

Our destination today is in the 雪顶高地图集. The day features one beautiful scene after another, including the village of Tinehir, a stunning mountain oasis rising on a series of riverside terraces lush with palm trees; and the spectacular 984-foot Todra Gorge, home to a variety of rare bird and plant species. Following lunch here we visit El Kelaa des Mgouna, 以玫瑰闻名, 然后出发前往传说中的“千人之路”古代商队路线, a region of fortresses with elaborately decorated façades. 傍晚时分,我们到达瓦尔扎扎特镇,在那里过夜.  

今天在去马拉喀什的路上, we stop first at uninhabited Ait ben-Haddou, 它是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,也是摩洛哥南部风景最优美的村庄之一,经常被用作时尚和电影拍摄的地点. 它的旧部分由深红色的kasbaha组成,它们紧紧地挤在一起,看起来像是一个整体. 然后, as we begin our descent from the High Atlas, 我们经过一些典型的村庄,那里有坚固的城墙和土屋顶的石屋. In Tizi N’Tichka, we traverse the Pass of the Pastures (alt. 7,415英尺), 那里的生活和几个世纪前差不多:牧羊人每年夏天都把羊群带到高高的牧场, then return with them to their villages in autumn. 我们今天下午晚些时候到达马拉喀什,今晚在酒店用餐.  

今天上午我们乘马车从梅纳拉公园到马若雷勒花园, 这是一个私人植物园,有大约15种原产于北非的鸟类,以其钴蓝色的口音而闻名. Following a tour of the gardens we visit the nearby Yves St. 劳伦特博物馆,收藏了大量劳伦特的高级时装和设计作品. 在晚餐前的下午是悠闲的,晚餐是在老城区的一家当地餐馆.

Once the capital of southern Morocco, 皇城马拉喀什是一个气候温和的迷人绿洲, 独特的魅力, 迷人的景色. 我们一天的行程包括参观比例优美的库图比亚清真寺, the lovely Andalusian-style El Bahia Palace, and the ruins of 16th-century Palais El Badii. 在我们宾馆吃完午饭后, mid-afternoon we visit Dar El Bacha, a formerly private palace full of fountains, 利雅得, 还有橘子树. 然后 we embark on a walking tour of the 麦地那, ending at Djemaa el Fna Square, 联合国教科文组织遗址 and the heart of Marrakech. Dinner tonight is on our own in this exotic city. 

We leave Marrakech this morning by coach for storied Casablanca, Morocco’s largest and most cosmopolitan city.  After a brief orientation tour of the city, we visit the magnificent Hassan II Mosque, Morocco’s only functioning mosque open to non-Muslims. 今晚,我们在当地一家餐馆举行告别晚宴,庆祝我们的摩洛哥之旅. 




女毕业生/我 Relations and Development
