


An exclusive Bryn Mawr departure.


  • 美食之旅 at markets sampling traditional foods like hummus, falafel, kenafah and more.
  • 妇女赋权项目 了解他们如何创建一个平台,通过经济发展机会在经济上支持他们.
  • 参观Ajloun的一座城堡, a key trade and pilgrimage intersection between Jerusalem, 开罗, Damascus & Mecca built to ward of Crusader armies.
  • Enter the enchanting world of Bedouin hospitality at FeynanEcolodge, 通过各种安排好的活动,如传统烹饪课或与贝都因人一起喝甜茶,与当地人见面.
  • 佩特拉, one of the wonders of the world and a famed archeological site.
  • 在星空下的一个夜晚 Wadi朗姆酒 as you experience desert life.
  • 漂浮在 死海它被认为是地球表面的最低点,位于海平面以下1300英尺.

To reserve a space, please contact Immersion Journeys at 917-686-2620 or info@immersionjourneys.com.

领队:教授. 爱丽丝Lesnick


成本 & 夹杂物:

Land Package Only: $3,995 per person (double occupancy)
Single Room Supplement: $595


  • Accommodations and meals as mentioned in the itinerary below
  • Ground transport in luxury coaches
  • 机场转移.
  • Excursions and day tours mentioned in the itinerary below
  • 网站入场费
  • Full time English-speaking local tour guide
  • Jordanian visa is free for United States passport holders on arrival.


易于调节. 你必须有良好的行走能力和灵活性,没有任何人类的帮助或永久的行走辅助(手杖), 步行者),因为你也会去一些需要步行或爬不平坦的小路和台阶的地方. 我们将尽一切努力确保您的舒适,但客人有责任就您可能遇到的任何问题向旅行社和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提出建议. Please consult with your doctor regarding this trip, its length and location and share this information with them.

Covid-19健康 & 安全协议:

我们的客人和工作人员的健康将继续是我们的首要任务. We will maintain a healthy environment for travel, even after restrictions are fully lifted and it’s safe to begin travel. 我们将建立并遵守一套详细的健康和安全协议,为您的旅行的各个方面. We are committed to following the guidelines of the State Department, 疾病预防控制中心, 谁, 和约旦当局. Detailed protocols for this tour, based on conditions at the time, will be provided approximately 60 days prior to departure.


Depart for Amman, for arrival the next day, March 19, 2023.
(Note: Early arrivals options are available. Contact the tour operator for details.)

您将在抵达后由浸入式旅行的代表接待,并被转移到您的酒店. 入住后,您将有一天的时间休息和探索酒店周围的区域. 晚上,与团队见面,并在酒店举行欢迎晚宴.
Overnight: Jordan Intercontinental Hotel (Welcome Dinner).
Note: Check–in time is 3:00pm. 根据您的航班到达时间,您可以选择提前办理登机手续.

开始您的约旦之旅,游览安曼古城,探索城堡和罗马剧院, 该市最受欢迎的两个考古遗址和约旦民俗博物馆. We then drive to Jebel Webdeh, the arts and cultural district passing art galleries, local antiquities and handcraft shops. Stop at local restaurants to sample falafel, hummus and the Arab delicacy, Kenafah, eaten at times of celebration. 继续探索街道和市场,你会真正感受到日常约旦人的生活和文化. Later return to the hotel to freshen up and meet for dinner.
Overnight: Jordan Intercontinental Hotel (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

In the morning we drive an hour north to Jerash, the best example of a Roman provincial city in the Middle East. 我们参观了壮观的广场、罗马柱廊街道、尼法厄姆神庙和阿尔忒弥斯神庙. Later visit a small town called Souf, 在那里,你将与贝特凯拉特Souf的当地妇女一起度过几个小时. Beit Khairat Souf的目标是为当地妇女创造一个平台,通过经济发展机会在经济上支持自己. 午饭后, we will drive to Ajloun to visit a castle, 在耶路撒冷之间的主要贸易和朝圣十字路口,它是用来抵御十字军的, 开罗, 大马士革和麦加. 然后我们将开车一个半小时返回安曼,晚上剩下的时间由您自由支配.
Overnight: Jordan Intercontinental Hotel (Breakfast, Lunch)

早餐后, 我们将结账离开酒店,前往伊拉克阿米尔参观当地的妇女合作社,在那里你将学习制作手工艺品的艺术. 接下来,我们将开车去尼波山,欣赏摩西眺望应许之地的景色,他后来在那里去世并埋葬在那里. 然后,我们将参观马达巴镇,发现从整个城镇出土的令人惊叹的拜占庭式马赛克. 查看“马达巴地图”, 保存最古老的圣地马赛克地图,并参观施洗者圣约翰的斩首圣地. Later we will drive 3-hours to Feynan Ecolodge, 被《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》评为世界排名前25位的生态学院之一. Depending on our arrival time, 我们可以在日落时分漫步(可选),从旅馆走到附近的山顶,品尝新鲜的贝都因茶,欣赏落日在广阔的瓦迪阿拉巴沙漠上的壮丽景色.
Overnight: Feynan Ecolodge (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
注意:生态旅馆的房间配置选择有限,大多数房间都有单独的双人床.We will not be able to accommodate special requests or room changes

早餐后, we will stay at the ecolodge where multiple activities will be arranged, offering you a chance to engage with locals, whether it be a walk you can join or have coffee with them, or even cook an authentic vegetarian meal! 下午,我们将驱车2小时前往世界闻名的古城佩特拉, considered one of the wonders of the world. 在晚上一个独特的烹饪经验等待着我们在佩特拉厨房,我们准备一个传统的约旦餐, from dips and appetizers to the main course and dessert, and enjoy each other’s company as we eat our delicious meal together.
Overnight: 佩特拉 Guesthouse Crowne Plaza (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

Marvel at the beauty of 佩特拉, exploring its many caves and tombs. 穿过Siq, 进入这座纳巴泰古城的正门,并被宏伟的宝库所震撼, now one of the wonders of the world. 我们将花几个小时探索这座宏伟的城市,了解它的历史. 午饭后, 我们将驱车2小时前往瓦迪拉姆,在这片宁静的沙漠里的星空下度过一晚, enjoying the hospitality of the Bedouins.
Overnight: Al Sultana Luxury Camp (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

享受大约2小时的吉普车之旅,您将游览瓦迪拉姆的山谷, 峡谷, 沙丘和沙漠, discover rock inscriptions, majestic views of mountains, landscapes and narrow gorges. 在每一站,你都有机会徒步,攀登和探索自己的步伐. 午饭后, we will drive 4–hours to the 死海, considered the lowest point on earth, at 1,海平面以下300英尺. 享受时间放松在死海,漂浮在它的咸水或休息在度假村的游泳池. 晚上,我们将享用告别晚宴,为我们新的友谊和经历干杯.
Overnight: Holiday Inn Resort 死海 (Breakfast, Lunch, Farewell Dinner)

Spend your last day on the shores of the 死海 as you unwind and relax. 享受酒店的便利设施,然后回到死海,在富含矿物质的泥浆中浸泡,这种泥浆被认为具有药用价值. Depending on your flight departure time, 您将被转移到机场,乘坐国际航班返回美国. (早餐)

注意:我们建议您乘坐傍晚的航班返回美国,这样您就可以在死海度过一天. Hotel check–out time is 12:00PM, 但是,您可以寄存您的行李,继续使用酒店的设施,并享受死海,直到您预定的转移到机场.



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